The Packages | Chichester Sports Therapy

07827 259252

Monday to Friday - 10am to 7pm

The Packages

There are 3 packages available ranging from assessment and report only to assessment, core exercise and review programmes which can also include group classes.

Package 1

  • Assessment Only
  • Report

From £40

Book Now

Package 2

  • Assessment
  • Tailored Core Exercise Programme
  • Reviews

Package 3

  • Assessment
  • Tailored Core Exercise Programme
  • Reviews linked to sports therapy treatments

Package 2 Notes: The first review is free, otherwise £40 per review (6 reviews suggested) weekly/bi-monthly. Buy 6 and get a further review free.

Want to know more or make a booking?

Please get in touch with us and we’ll look forward to advising you further.

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