Lauren Attree Personal Profile | Chichester Sports Therapy

07827 259252

Monday to Friday - 10am to 7pm

Personal Profile

Chichester Sports Therapy has been established and based at the Westgate Leisure Centre since 2006. It is run by Lauren Attree.

Lauren Attree Personal Profile

Lauren is a Graduate Sports Therapist with over 10 years of experience. She has varied experience working with a wide range of patients from working in the NHS, to Football, Dance, gym goers and the older population.

Lauren can help diagnose and treat a range of musculoskeletal problems, e.g. back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, muscle imbalances and post-op rehabilitation plus much more.

She is a specialist in TMJ syndrome (jaw pain and its associated issues) and has a MSc in Performing Arts Medicine, so she is able to assess, diagnose and treat a range of clients, including performers such as dancers and musicians.

She loves to help people recover quickly from injury, reduce their pain and empower her patients to get back to full health and live their best lives! Lauren also teaches Pilates in the local area and is a qualified Personal Trainer, spin instructor and dance fitness teacher.

She uses a patient-centred approach, combining hands-on with personalised exercise rehabilitation to help people back to doing what they love.

In her spare time she loves to dance around a studio, is partial to 90 house music, practices yoga and meditation and goes paddleboarding when the suns out!

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